Monday, May 10, 2010

Course Materials

Overall, I was pleased with the quality of the Kodak Zi8 cameras that we used. I thought that the additional microphones and tripods were helpful while shooting the variety of videos that we made throughout the semester. Quite honestly, I did not use the book, and I would not recommended suggesting one for purchase next year. The handouts that were given to us during class were thorough and helpful enough that no textbook was necessary! I think that the education here is in the hands-on experience, not in the suggested readings!

Other programs, such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Apple Final Cut Express, may be interesting programs to learn as students get further into the semester. I completely agree that Windows Movie Maker is a good way to begin learning the process of editing your own video, but I do believe that Premiere and Final Cut offer a few more bells and whistles that could enhance the final project. I know that the Digital Media Studio has a lab filled with Macs that have the Final Cut capability...maybe class could be moved down there for the second half of the semester? Overall, I do think that Movie Maker was a great way for me to jump start into learning the overall process of creating movies, but familiarity with other programs could be helpful in the future for students who plan to make a career out of multimedia journalism.

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