Monday, May 10, 2010

Experiencing J198: Start to Finish

At the end of the semester, I was amazed at just how far I had come. Reading blog posts from January remind of just how intimidated I was sitting behind a computer--something that I had been doing since elementary school! I was worried that I would never master Movie Maker or never fully understand what the @ or # signs meant on Twitter, but I can now sit here in May and tell you that I am fully confident in my abilities as a multimedia journalist.

A product of the first class of "multimedia reporters" to go through Coppee, I can truly say that I am proud of all that J198 has achieved. It all hit me when Professor Jirik sat in on our final presentations and commented that this class should be proud of all that we have accomplished because we (all of us!) are paving the way for great things to be done in this department. Not only did I receive an excellent education in journalism through this class, but our class helped to foster a small change that could have an even bigger impact in the future.

Thank you for this experience! I am sure that I will carry all of these skills with me into the future. And to the next class of J198ers: Gear up! The semester can be gruelling at times, but the education that you will receive is well worth it!

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